Corporate Branding

Standing out in a crowded marketplace is a challenge and a necessity for increased sales, profits and success. At Sharp Signs, we specialise in bringing corporate branding to life with emphasis on signage manufacture and installation to your brand specification. In many respects we take a role as brand police and come to know your brand as well as you.

We understand that a successful corporate brand is defined by the company’s mission, values, and objectives, speaks to the company’s culture and is instantly recognisable amongst a crowded market place. The purpose of adopting a corporate brand is to have a unique and consistent look and feel across every medium to drive and develop that recognition. There is a significant investment required in not only developing the brand but also in establishing a company’s brand and to be successful, brand standards need to be replicated consistently and to standard wherever they are displayed. To that end, we are highly protective of our customers’ brand standards, we are committed to ensuring that there is consistency in the execution of both manufacture, placement and installation. You can be assured that we won’t deviate from a brand standard to cut costs.

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