What is a sky sign?
Any form of display sign that sits on top of a building, or on the upper section of a high rise.
When do I need a sky sign?
Sky signs literally take your brand to the next level. If you’re in a busy environment or quite simply want to make a statement about your brand, a sky sign is the right choice for your business.
What are the benefits of a sky sign?
- make a statement from afar
- sustainable brand awareness by placing your brand front of mind in the market
- stand out in a busy environment – both during the day and at night
- minimal upkeep required to maintain a powerful message
How can we assist you with your sky sign requirements?
Sky signs require intricate planning and a great deal of technical skill.
Points to consider when installing a sky sign:
- Site survey, site montages for planning optimal sky sign size & location
- Sky Sign Design
- Authorisation and Approval
- Transporting materials to the installation location
- Providing Power
- Fixing to the building
- Public Safety
- Maintaining the sky signs
Sharp Signs can provide end-to-end services to ensure complete success in the delivery of your sky sign. This includes design and documentation, planning, engineering, council approval, manufacture, traffic management, safety access equipment, installation and maintenance.